Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Half a Year and a Week of Firsts

Where has the time gone?
We hosted a playdate today and 10 of Easton's friends came over.
We had cupcakes(moms ate them of course) and other goodies.
Little man is not so little any more.

It was snowing on Patterson Ave. last weekend when I decided to brush Jack. The neighbors driving by got a good laugh.

Easton is now sitting up on his own!

He is also insisting on sitting up in the bathtub.

First taste of peas. Not so yummy.

First Swim. It was 102 degrees last Tuesday so we hit the pool. He had a blast kicking and splashing. It was just a big bathtub to him.

Other Firsts:

New car seat. No more infant seat. He has a big boy seat now!
First taste of pears.......Yum
First time sitting in a high chair at a restaraunt.
Oh and mommy's first time in a swimsuit since having Easton. Not so much fun but it could be worse.

1 comment:

Erin said...

That dog hair picture cracks me up! It's crazy how they learn how to do things all of the sudden!