Saturday, February 27, 2010

Warm and Fuzzy.....Baby Erickson

Open wide and say Ahhh

I just wanted to make a little "shout out" to our friends Jason and Kelli who are expecting their first little bundle of joy. I am so excited for everything they are about to embark upon. Lucy Paige is due July 12th. I know they will make wonderful parents watching them with Easton the past year and a half. They have so much love to give. We wish them all the best!

Yes, that is Jay playing airplane with Easton.

Loving the animated face.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Railroad Park

We took a fun trip to the McCormick Stillman Railroad Park in Scottsdale the other day with my mom's group. Just three of us but we had a wonderful time! Easton just loved riding the train! We also took a ride on the carousel before Easton stole an orange out of Becki's bag. Aparently he likes eating the rind?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Hair Cut

We have given Easton a few trims here at that house but today I decided to take him for his first "real" hair cut. He was a real trooper. No tears or whines. I think he was in shock.....or just scared of those nails.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Long Time No Post

Gosh it has been a busy last couple of weeks I have totally ignored the blog. Sorry to those of you who actually read it, I think there are a couple :) Here is a run down of the past couple of weeks "important" events. Well, important in our lives I suppose.

Family News

*We sold both the truck and trailer and bought a 05 Toyota Prius (don't worry it is not on the recall list....yet). Larry is saving at least 15 minutes off his commute each way which gets him home earlier. Oh yea, since when can you fill up a car for $20? Need I mention more with ~50 miles to the gallon. Why didn't we do this sooner?

*That following Wednesday we went to look at a Honda Element for me.......yippee.....Loved it and traded in the CRV and drove it home. It is so cute (orange is my new favorite color). Those crazies at the Nissan dealer gave us $2000 for the CRV! A 97 with 170K miles on it. We took it.

*We have since gotten rid of cable, Larry's gym membership, and our data plan on our phones. We never even used the internet on the phones so why pay the money for it.

Don't worry, things are just fine. That's the first thing people ask when I tell them all the stuff we are selling/getting rid of. Larry's job is fine we just got to the point where we had all this "stuff" we really didn't need.

Cortney's News

*I joined a stroller running group called Stroller Strides. I am absolutely loving it being able to run and workout with Easton and be around a ton of active moms. I'm making some new friends too which is always a plus.

*I've been cooking and canning up a storm! Since bringing the Bountiful Baskets into our house each Saturday I've tried some great new recipes and have canned 20lbs of tomatoes (diced), 7 qts. of chicken stock, 6 pints of marinara sauce, green chilis, pears, and orange marmalade. It's really fun!

Easton's News

What he is doing lately..........
*15 month well visit: 32"tall, 23lb. 10oz. Doing great. 8 front teeth, 3 molars.
*climbing on everything! He has learned to climb on the dining chairs.
*new words: box, juice, snack, birdie, bagel, out
*Favorite new game: ring around the rosies in the kitchen with mom and dad
*Infatuated with is belly button. He lifts his shirt up in front of the mirror and laughs.
*He officially has a modeling agent. Sounds funny. We casually sent some photos into a small agency in Scottsdale. The agent loved his blond hair and wanted to meet him. She liked his personality and "look" and thought he'd be marketable in AZ and signed him on. Who knows what will become of it but we figure if we can put some money away into his college fund that would be a bonus!