Sunday, December 13, 2009

Howdy Pardner!

As Easton was getting ready for bed the other night he pulled his cowboy hat out of his closet. I then aked him if he wanted his boots? He went and grabbed those as well. Yes, not only does he have rain boots but he has cowboy boots too.

He kept pushing the hat on further and further then decided to walk back and forth down the hall way about 8 times. He was having so much fun.

Guess he wants to be a cowboy like grandpa!


Erin said...

Glad you finally got to take some pictures with the cowboy boots! So cute!

Becki said...

He looks adorable. Definitely a little cowboy in the making!

Jenet Simmons said...

I seriously need those boots & hat for Carter! I love them! I got C some infant cowgoy boots and they're a riot!