Thursday, March 25, 2010

Toyota Prius Obsession

I suppose you could say that Easton comes from a car family with his great grandpa owning a car dealership for years, his grandpa managing that dealership, and his uncle Nate being an engineer for Honda. Larry brought home his Prius a little over a month ago and Easton's obsession has grown since then.

Two eye witnesses (Erin and Shasta) have seen it first hand as we will be driving down the road and Easton blurts out "DADDY". Sure enough he spotted a Prius. Doesn't matter what color, year, or angle he knows them all! The funny part is that it is ONLY Prius'.

At first we thought it was a fluke but our little guy does not miss one!

What does this mean? Who knows? And how long will it last? Leave me a comment.......


Erin said...

How cute! What a boy! Charlotte has just started saying daddy when cars drive by or when we're in the car- but she says it for any old car. She's not as discerning as Easton! I'm betting he'll just keep getting better at this and soon he'll be yelling out the specs (mpg, year etc) on the cars you drive by!

Jenet Simmons said...

That is so funny! I'm sure his Prius obsession and ability to spot them, is making Daddy very proud!