Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Larry turned 35 today and had a fun-filled day with lots of activities. He spent the morning golfing with a buddy while Easton and I went for a run, cleaned up, and did some grocery shopping. When he got home from golfing we loaded up and made a trip to REI to pick up Larry's new bike. He has been like a kid on Christmas morning for the past week and a half waiting for it to be finished so he can go ride. We left the house around 3:30 to get some dinner at Chuey's before we headed to the Diamondbacks game. We were all decked out in our gear and even Easton had his shirt on (would you expect anything less?)

We had great seats! I picked the tickets up off of craigslist about a month ago and kept them a secret until this afternoon. I was pretty proud of myself. We were right by the 3rd base line about 18 rows up. Lots of foul balls which was making Larry a bit nervous.

Easton was in heaven! Lights, music, people, oh my! He even got a button that says "My First D-backs Game". We had not been seated for more than 5 minutes and sure enough here we are on the jumbo tron! I have never been on that thing but I guess just take a cute baby and that's what happens. It was so funny to see us on the big screen.

We had a wonderful time, made it till the 7th inning then decided we better get going before E got too tired and had a meltdown.

Happy Birthday Larry!


Becki said...

Happy Birthday, Larry! Love the shirts! I think E is really starting to change in his looks. Looking a little more like his mommy these days.

Erin said...

Tell Larry Happy Birthday! Sounds like a pretty fun day! You all look so cute in your matching gear... I mean cool for the boys! :-)

Karina said...

Happy Birthday Larry! Im glad you had so much fun! :)